Virtual tour of the interiors and 360° views of the Royal Palace of Caserta

On this page you can choose a virtual tour of the interiors of the Royal Palace of Caserta 

  1. To move click on the arrows;
  2. To zoom use the mouse wheel or your fingers;
  3. To rotate press and hold;
  4. To enlarge to full screen press the button at the top of the head.

Staircase of Honor: virtual tour

Reggia di Caserta visita virtuale degli interni - logo pagina indice (virtual tour of the interiors of the royal palace of caserta)

Court Theater: virtual visit

Palatine Chapel: virtual visit

Virtual tour of the interiors of the State Rooms

Virtual tour of the interiors of the King's Rooms

Virtual tour of the interiors of the rooms where the Kings lived

The Queen's Rooms: virtual visit

Virtual tour of the interiors of the rooms where the Queens lived

The Telescope: virtual tour

Virtual tour of the interiors of the the ground floor of the Palace

Internal courtyards: virtual visit

Art gallery: virtual tour

Tour of the interiors of some of the rooms of the Art Gallery

Reggia di Caserta visita virtuale degli interni - logo pagina indice (virtual tour of the interiors of the royal palace of caserta)

The Royal Nativity Scene

Hall of Autumn

The Autumn Hall was the King's dining room

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